Turkey hunting can take place during both hot and cold weather. It may be dry or very wet - choose a turkey hunting boot to match your local conditions...... and if you will be hunting in a state with poisonous snakes, you would be well-advised to wear specialized snake boots!
Spring 2015 turkey seasons will be starting soon in many Southern states, and then opening up quickly throughout the North. Of course, all hunters can still prepare for their Spring seasons by purchasing whatever gear and supplies they wished that they had already owned while hunting last season. Savvy turkey hunters should find the time now to buy the needed supplies for "do it yourself" taxidermy projects with the tail feathers, beards, and spurs of their upcoming trophies. And there will still be some Fall turkey hunting opportunities later in the year...............
*Affiliate Guide: BPS* links to Bass Pro Shops, STP* links to Sierra Trading Post.